The San Francisco Airport Marriot Waterfront in Burlingame has some new and unusual guests. Hotel staff discovered six baby barn owls on the 11th floor balcony as the latest guests seeking shelter at the hotel.
Hotel staff reached out to the San Mateo SPCA and learned that, as barn owls, the animals are native protected birds of prey. Since the owls’ arrival six weeks ago, the hotel has been dedicated to the owl’s privacy and growth.
“Even when we’re sold out at the San Francisco Airport Marriot Waterfront, the owl family is not relocated to another property,” said General Manager Clif Clark.
In honor of the winged guests, hotel staff began giving stuffed animal owls to children at the hotel when they visit the owl site.
Each day, adults owls including the group’s parents visit the babies, bringing them prey they hunt at night. SPCA officials said barn owls often nest in the same spot each year if it’s determined to be safe, so the Marriot can expect the return of barn owls in coming years.
The family of barn owls is doing well, and the management has toyed with names for the baby owls:
Hoot, Nanny, Al, Peter Townsend, Robert Plant, Hedwig and Archimedes.