The caller was reporting a hawk, caught in a tree, about 30' high. As luck would have it, they were only eight miles away!

There was no way to reach the bird without special equipment. Thankfully, there was an tool rental place just up the road, and, they happened to be driving their newly donated heavy-duty rig that could easily tow the boom lift.
Within 20 minutes they were all set and began the ascent. Check out the video below.
Oddly enough, the hawk's leg was simply caught in a crook, nothing else held it to the tree - no line or string. One worker freed the bird by breaking the branch.
They then rushed the bird to the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley where it received immediate attention.
The bird was thin, indicating it had been trapped for two or three days. The leg did not appear broken, but the skin where it was caught had torn and peeled back. This is called a degloving injury.
The center's wildlife medics cleaned and bandaged the wound and placed the bird on pain medication and antibiotics.
The rescue clearly illustrates the value of having a dedicated team of experienced first responders who specialize in wildlife. The skills necessary to safely handle wild animals in distress differ greatly than those used in domestic animal rescue.
Thank You first responders!