Monique, CALadyDi's local hummingbird rehabber contacted Diane about about a nest that was accidentally cut down, then found with new babies in it and no mom to be found. The babies appear to have been born 5/17 and 5/18. There were still egg shells in the nest.
With them being as young as they are, there are grave concerns about their immature digestive systems. What the babies need for survival is a mother hummingbird to feed them, not a human.
It had been discussed and decided that they would take steps to put up a nest next to Emma's current nest, to get her "used to it", then to replace that nest with the orphan babies' nest. They then will press the two nests together closely, but they will still remain separate. (Much like they did with Hope's nest). Ideally, she'll be able sit on the eggs (continuing their incubation) and be willing to feed the babies (as shown below) at least until they're about 9 days old, when their chance of survival with human feeding are much, much greater.
This type of thing is unprecedented at this time. They are taking this all one step at a time.
The orphan's crops appear to be emptying at the present time, and they are staying alive, but the chance of continued survival diminishes as time progresses without a hummer mother
They hope this will NOT jeopardize the eggs in any way. And this is all being done with much care of supervision of trained people. The orphans' chance for survival if they do nothing, is very very slim.
If Emma can help (like she did for Hope), this is worth a shot, right? It just doesn't seem fair to sit by and do NOTHING.
Emma has shown us her amazing miracles before (have you read the story of Hope?) Let's see what she does this time...
HERE'S THE STORY OF HOPE. If you haven't read it, YOU MUST:
Read the story about the foster hummers Mia and Phil -
site link-