Their newest BirdCam is an American Kestrel nest at The Peregrine Fund in Boise, Idaho. It features two views: one inside the nest box and another from the outside so you can see adults arrive and admire the western skyline.
About the Kestrels
These American Kestrels are nesting in a nest box maintained by The Peregrine Fund at its international headquarters, the World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho. The male, previously a falconry bird, was released at the World Center for Birds of Prey in 2012. He promptly found a mate and took up residence in the nest box. Because the female is unbanded, we don’t know whether she nested here in previous years.
This pair has five eggs, with the last egg laid on April 25. The estimated hatch date is May 24.
Eggs have hatched 5/24
About the Nest
The nest box is surrounded by sage-scrub habitat. This desert ecosystem supports a wealth of small rodents, reptiles, and insects. The short vegetation provides ideal habitat for the kestrels.
In 2011, kestrels in this nest box fledged five young.
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