Hunting 101 was clearly in session last night as we witnessed Syd giving Boomer private lessons. Syd would delivery tiny tidbits which chatters affectionately nicknamed “Mc critter Nuggets”. She was also seen flying in with no treats only to fly off pretending she had something. We can only surmise she is doing this to tempt Boomer to follow her to the hunting grounds. In the early morning Syd delivered another treat at 2:47 to Boomer on the roof which he immediately hopped down went into the box to enjoy his meal. The rest of the morning antics were capped off by games of follow the leader, catch me if you can and hopscotch on the playground. Not sure who won each game so we’ll call it a draw. Please keep in mind that Maggie has been off camera so much lately that she is dinning out so not to worry.
6 “Mc critter Nuggets” and 1 gopher delivered to Boomer while Maggie is dining out a la hunting grounds.
Turn sound on
Once again both are in for the day