Will Mags join Boomer in the trees and the box be empty?
Stay tuned...
1:35AM Boomer gets a gopher treat delivered to the porch and then brings it into the box to eat it
Owl visitor (below)
Another night, another adventure. Boomer returns and Maggie steps out to join him for another fun filled evening. Viewers were pleased to see Syd deliver a treat to Boomer. Handoff took place on the porch which he brought into the box. He played with it for awhile before gulping it down. Once again the unidentified owl makes an appearance and enters the box. It didnt stay long. This time the paparowlzzi were ready and captured several snapshots. We still dont know its identity. Most think it is Syd.
Boomer was last seen at 5:38am on the porch before flying off to the hunting grounds to hunker down for the day. Guess he enjoyed the outdoors so much yesterday that hes doing it again.
Maggie decides today to stay indoors. Thanks Maggie we get to admire you all day again.
Mags in the box today