“And now something completely different”: At approx 2:04am and before chat was un-paused an unidentified owl decided to enter the box and stay for 10 minutes
(Face looks like Sydney to me).
Chat was un-paused roughly at the same time the unknown owl made its get away. AJ was able to fire off 1 quick snapshot and we have been pondering and comparing pics ever since. Question comes to mind, “who can it be now”? This unknown owl was very relaxed and seemed familiar with the surroundings. Later on as Maggie was admiring the view from the roof, this owl flew to the doorway perch from boom cam area. Maggie jumped down non-threatening went up to its beak as if a treat delivery was in progress. Is this owl a parent? Inquiring minds want to know. If so, then perhaps school is in session and we are witnessing a beginners hunting class, Hunting 101. Maggie is seen later on the roof pouncing invisible prey very cute and entertaining. Boomer so far is a no show. We can only assume that he needed a private hunting lesson and is staying after school in the greenbelt. ( wink ).
Boomer returns home finally at 5:21am just in time for some last minute antics. BEV cam was still up and we were able to see Maggie and Boomer in morning light. Oh my, they are gorgeous. Both went in at 5:34am and look peaceful.
Once again no deliveries were witnessed on camera. As a reminder, horks in the box later in the day means they are getting treats.
Boomer in palm
Home sweet home