X-rays showed that the majestic bird had been shot in the wing and skull. It was sent to the Southeastern Raptor Center at Auburn University where it's recovering.
Authorities still expect the eagle's recovery to take about three to six months. At that time, they'll release the creature back into the wild.
The reward is coming from several places. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering $2,500 and the Humane Society of the United States and The Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust are offering an additional $2,500.
The reward will be paid out for information that leads to a conviction.
To provide information, contact:
John Rawls
Special Agent, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement
You can also call Alabama's Operation GameWatch: 800-272-GAME(4263), or e-mail: DCNR.GAMEWATCH@DCNR.ALABAMA.GOV
INFORMATION SOURCE: US Fish and Wildlife Service