SNN (ScrollingNetworkNews) ✿ ✿ Our Mel and Sydney returned to their nesting box with plenty of bonding occurring..but after 2.5 months of Sydney in the box from Dec 2013 to mid Feb 2014, the lack of prey gifts from Mel ( perhaps due to the severe and historic drought underway in California)and they have forgone the nesting process this year as many other raptors ✿ Compared to other owls of similar size, the Barn Owl has a much higher metabolic rate, requiring relatively more food. Pound for pound, Barn Owls consume more rodents – often regarded as pests by humans – than possibly any other creature. ✿ We remind viewers that sometimes owlets may not survive - the parents will dispose of things in "The Owl Way" -viewer discretion is advised, this is nature and the "Owl way". ✿ ~ ✿ “Animals, like us, are living souls. They are not things. They are not objects. Neither are they human. Yet they mourn. They love. They dance. They suffer. They know the peaks and chasms of being.” ― Gary Kowalski, The Souls of Animals ✿ Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius." ~ E.O. Wilson

Monday, December 31, 2012

PSA for pet owners

Make sure you keep your pets safe during New Year’s Eve fireworks displays.

FIREWORKS may be delightful to us humans but they can be terrifying to furry, four-legged friends. With New Year’s upon us, the HSUS is advising pet owners to keep pets safe during firework displays. Dogs and horses are particularly afraid of fireworks, but other animals like cats, rabbits, birds and cattle can also suffer negative effects when exposed to the explosive, repetitive nature of firework displays.
Fear can range from mild discomfort to an excessive, unmanageable phobia.

 It’s devastating to hear how many animals go missing or are badly injured as a result of fireworks. Special care should be taken to keep outdoor animals safe. Dogs have been known to jump or dig under fences in an effort to escape the noise. The HSUS get so many calls about dogs being injured as a result of trying to escape, as well as calls about dogs who have been hit by cars once they've gotten out.
Sadly, many die. 

 If you can, it’s best to stay home with your pet and provide them with a comfortable environment and engage them in normal activities.

If you won’t be home, make sure your pets are safe, secure and comfortable.

If your dog will be inside, create a comfortable, familiar environment for him in a secure room with lots of his favorite things like toys and bones, as well as some clothes with your scent on them. You may even want to leave the TV or radio on as a way to mask or block out noise from the fireworks.

Cats should be kept inside at night.
 If they’re frightened by fireworks, they will typically find a dark place somewhere in the house to hide away. If you can’t bring your animals inside, consider containing animals like cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs in crates or cages and securing them in the garage.

Horses should be securely stabled or moved to a location away from the firework display.

 Wherever your pet will be, make sure to remove any sharp objects that might cause injury to a panicking animal, and leave plenty of food and water. Make sure your pets are wearing ID tags and their microchip details are up to date in case they do run away.
Speak with your veterinarian if your pet is prone to unmanageable anxiety due to fireworks.