"We have performed a post-mortem examination on Abe the bald eagle.
Based on the gross pathology, the ultimate cause of death appears to be stress-related, which is not terribly surprising seeing what he had been through.
However, a contributing factor appears to be that the distal bone fragment of the fractured femur split, causing the screws that held the bone plate to this area to loosen. This means that had he lived, he would have required a second more involved orthopedic procedure with a much worse prognosis, with the knowledge that if the fracture was not repairable, then the bird would have to have been euthanized.
It is considered inhumane to maintain a one-legged bird, particularly one of this size, in captivity, and federal law would have not have allowed it.
"We tried. I can't say that I'm not disappointed in the outcome.
He was an absolutely beautiful bird."
See the video HERE