Every spring, wildlife rehabilitation centers are flooded with baby raptors.
A lot of these juveniles are uninjured, but were rescued as ‘orphans’.
But what if as many as half of these young birds are not orphans at all, but just had some mishap—a storm, a tree cut down—that separated them from their parents?
What if well-meaning humans are unintentionally taking healthy young raptors away from their parents just because they don’t understand the birds’ normal behavior patterns?
At "Reunite Raptors" They do what is needed to do what’s best for these young animals—reunite them with their own parents.
If that is not possible, then fostering to another wild nest is a good alternative."
Either way, reuniting baby animals takes time and is best carried out by a dedicated team of resourceful volunteers - something many wildlife hospitals say they can't spare. Each year, then, a significant number of healthy babies are raised in captivity, a paradigm advocates of reuniting hope to see change in coming years.
Many advocates have joined up with other leaders in the field to develop guidelines to encourage more and more rehabilitators to adopt the practice.

Wildlife rehabilitation centers are vitally needed to provide care for injured animals, and for real orphans. Reuniting and fostering puts healthy juveniles back in the wild, and allows them to do a better job of caring for the animals that truly need them.
Visit their website by clicking HERE and see how you can help.
"Young wild animals stand the best chance of living normal lives and surviving as adults if they are raised by wild parents, as opposed to being raised by rehabilitators in a captive environment. From wild parents, young learn what to eat, where to forage, how to hunt, what to fear, where to shelter.
They learn valuable social skills, in some cases their own dialect, and they are allowed time to disperse naturally into their home territory.
No human, no rehabilitation program - not even the best in the world, will ever be a fitting substitute." ~ Rebecca Dmytryk
Going Home!