The conversation continued till she flew to the trees 8:03. Syd returned 8:11, went into the Kastle & took a nap.
She woke up, moved to the door, looked out & picked up the discussion 9:07.
Syd left 10:26. Boom cam shook 2:04am but no sighting. Deets heard followed by a flyby 3:50am.
Mel flew straight into the Kastle 3:58 & stayed till 4:10. Syd flew over the boom cam to the trees 4:56,
Perched for a several minutes, then flew to the porch 5:10 & in. She was observed scratching the walls and rearranging the furniture (hork tossing).
Syd assumed a defensive posture, hissing/toe dusting. UFO landed in the tree 5:23 then on the roof.
UFO flew off 5:24 but landed on boom cam. Syd moved to the door 5:34 hissing. She eventually stepped back 5:38 to relax.
Sydney & UFO on the roof
Sydney stays for the day!