SNN (ScrollingNetworkNews) ✿ ✿ Our Mel and Sydney returned to their nesting box with plenty of bonding occurring..but after 2.5 months of Sydney in the box from Dec 2013 to mid Feb 2014, the lack of prey gifts from Mel ( perhaps due to the severe and historic drought underway in California)and they have forgone the nesting process this year as many other raptors ✿ Compared to other owls of similar size, the Barn Owl has a much higher metabolic rate, requiring relatively more food. Pound for pound, Barn Owls consume more rodents – often regarded as pests by humans – than possibly any other creature. ✿ We remind viewers that sometimes owlets may not survive - the parents will dispose of things in "The Owl Way" -viewer discretion is advised, this is nature and the "Owl way". ✿ ~ ✿ “Animals, like us, are living souls. They are not things. They are not objects. Neither are they human. Yet they mourn. They love. They dance. They suffer. They know the peaks and chasms of being.” ― Gary Kowalski, The Souls of Animals ✿ Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius." ~ E.O. Wilson

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Injured owl almost ready to stretch its wings again..

An injured Saw-whet owl found in Frankfort several months ago is well on its way to recovery, experts say.
The owl, found by the Macisco family in late October, underwent orthopedic surgery at Cornell University’s Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Health Center to repair an injured wing.
He is now in the care of wildlife rehabilitator Jean Soprano at Kindred Kingdoms Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Pennellville.

The bird to be released in the spring, after other Saw-whet owls are seen in the area again. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Saw-whet owls live in New York state year-round. But they're rarely seen in this area.
He missed the winter migration, so for now he’s hunkered down for the winter at the center.
The delay also gives time to test the owl’s recovery. While in captivity, all of its food has been provided by the rehabilitation team; before it can be released, it has to pass flight and live prey tests to demonstrate that it can effectively hunt and feed itself in the wild.
The process for rehabilitating a bird of prey is very specific: First the bird is placed in a large training cage called a “mew” that gives it room to fly while still protecting it from the weather and strong winds.

This “allows the bird to regain flight strength slowly on his/her own time in a safe environment.
Once the bird is strong enough, live prey is released into the cage “to stimulate hunting instincts and help the bird sharpen its skill before release.
Their plan is to release it during the spring in Whiskey Hollow in Baldwinsville or in a cemetery in Phoenix.