Sunday, June 9, 2013

Adventures with Mel and Syd

So much happened overnight, oh where to begin. 

Adi stepped out & was seen on the porch, playground & roof several times before the event we all were waiting for, Hunter’s 1st emergence 12:35am. 

Adi joined Hunter on the porch to congratulate her on this major achievement. Hunter stayed out flappercising for 23 minutes then went back in 12:58am. Hunter’s 2nd appearance came at 1:09am. This time she stayed out for 10 minutes.

See video of a 2nd owl by Robin of the SPO chat

Supplement treats were provided in the Feed Box. It contained 2 treats 1 of which was alive. Approx 2:30am Adi retrieved the live treat, went to the left of the playground to a roost pipe (not one of the platforms), balanced herself, shredded & ate. Way to go Adi on passing your 1st hunting test. Adi then brought the other treat into the box to stash for later.  Around 3:09am we had an UFO visit. 

see video of owl coming out of the feeding box.

Hunter came out to the porch a 3rd time 4:39am. Seeing her out Adi flew to the roof to say hi then flew off. Hunter flapped her way up to the roof 4:56am. Adi joined her there 5:02am then flew to the left of playground. Hunter jumped down and back up 5:09am. Then decided she had enough for the day and went inside 5:11am. Adi called it a night 5:24am. Hunter greeted him with sweet little kisses.  Hunter worked up an appetite eating the treat which Adi so thoughtfully brought her 5:27.

See all the nights antics in pictures HERE and HERE

Our heartfelt thanks go out to EmmieJan on her many hours (6 of them)to produce the nights follies for us to enjoy.