Friday, June 28, 2013

Adventures with Mel and Syd

Kanga: ”…Pb was lowered to 5ft & is only a few ft from the ground, owls are graduating to larger prey, & learning well with full attack swoops developing nicely.

The Barn Owl's sensitive hearing is enhanced by its facial ruff, a concave surface of stiff dark-tipped feathers. The ruff functions as a reflector, channeling sounds into the ears. Once a sound is detected, the owl orients toward it and accurately pinpoints its location to within 1.5 degrees in both horizontal and vertical planes.

More time spent trying to figure out how to get inside by this owl.

Sydney one year and one day ago, just a few weeks after the owlets Mags and Boomer fledged giving all hope for a second clutch that never came to be.