Sunday, June 16, 2013

Adventures with Adi and Hunter plus 1

From Kanga- " We will not show live treats being captured on cam - we thought it was not the right thing to do on Ustream, even though this is what the owls all do in nature - surely a few people would be understandably upset. Tonight we have all defrosted dead rodents - perhaps UFO won't be as energetic cleaning out the pantry too quickly and Adi & Hunter can have one evening of familiar treats for a change ... it still enforces the plans for the PB as the food source that they are training on for all future lessons"

During the long intermission, preparations were made to reset the stage for the encore. As the curtain lifted we noticed a change in scenery. The inside camera was off but a new camera directly pointing into the Prey Box on. The prey box was replenished with treats carefully positioned.

An owl landed in the branches then  made its way to the PB nabbing the 1st treat of the night 9:04pm. It’s looked like Adi. It was brought out & finished it on the playground. 2nd treat was snagged 9:40pm. It was so fast and  quick to identify who took it.

Adi & Hunter were on the left most side of the playground enjoying the view when out of nowhere the UFO dropped out of the sky onto the Kastle roof.

Adi flew over to it and depending on who you ask, many thought the exchange looked and sounded like it was "like a food hand off - without the food" or "almost looked like the old kissy face routine" or "I didn't think it was a looked more friendly, failed beak-off and play" while others thought Adi chased it off.

 Hunter was seen helping herself to a treat at 11:04pm
 She finished it on the playground while Adi watched.

The UFO returned 11:34 & made its way indoors. It stayed in for several minutes.
A short time later the UFO returned at 11:50pm. Because of a camera being used to stream the prey box, the inside cam was off air and no captures of the owl inside the box.

At 2:00am an Owl (not sure who) went into the prey box, dined then took off with a treat in beak. Was it the same owl that showed up at 2:51am & 2:56am grabbing & dashing?

The close of the encore, we were given a glimpse of an owl in the tree 5:14am. As the curtain was drawn the owl flew off. Maybe it’s spending the day again in the Palmz?

The kastle is empty for the third day.