Sunday, May 26, 2013

Adventures with Mel and Syd

 Sydney arrived at 11:25pm with treat in talon - a rat. Hunter was not happy that Adi grabbed it and let mom know. Syd flew to the tree for a few minutes and then flew off.
Adi didn't gulp but played around with it learning the many traits that it will require an owl once they are on their own.. Adi pounced on it and made sure to give it the strangle hold with the talons, at times she would mantle it to let Hunter know it was hers.
Too much play time is another lesson Adi learned as Hunter saw the opportunity to snag it and get the final gulp! The look on Adi's face was priceless.

View more pictures HERE

Kanga once again broadcasted the song sparrow nest and wow, how the chick has grown in one week. Both mom and dad sparrow are doing a fine job keeping the little one fed. The other 2 eggs in this nest never did hatch.