Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adventures with Mel and Syd

By Sunza
Just sitting doing one of my favorite things, watching Syd and her little owlets, stretching their wings.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear, a vision of Syd's chest, suddenly there. 

And try as I might, I couldn't ignore the sight, of all little hearts lined up in a row... Pointing to her babies, down below!!=

We can see Adelaide's hole in her tongue, this is known as a breathing tube and helps owls to breath as they swallow their food whole.
Treat Report: 3 treats delivered: 1st - gopher 9:08pm, 2nd - slider mouse 12:12am, 3rd - mouse 2:26am

Mel knows exactly what he is suppose to do. He will be bringing into the box much smaller prey items so the owlets can learn to swallow whole. Adelaide has already mastered this feat, now its Hunters turn.

Our viewer Pic of the day (above) was sent in by niffalovesyou and thinks that Adi looks like she is smiling.