Monday, April 15, 2013

Adventures with Mel and Syd

Sydney fed both of the babies every few hours yesterday.
Both Adi and Hunter are thriving and doing well. If you miss a couple hours viewing, by the time you look back in on them, they've grown !
Mel visited empty taloned several times overnight. He was very curious and tried several times to get a peek at his babies.
Mel and Sydney spent many minutes allopreening each other to the delight of the viewers.
Having gone most of the night with nothing in her pantry, the suspense broke as Mel triumphantly returned at 4:38am to the cheer of chatters with the biggest rabbit ever. Sydney fed the kids immediately. But Mel wasn't done. He returned 5:38am with a huge gopher or rat. The pantry is well stocked for the day.
Way to go Mel!!

Treat Report: 2 treats delivered: 1st - Lepus Dinosaureus (huge rabbit) 4:38am better known as T-rab, 2nd - Thomomys Bottae ingens (huge Botta Pocket gopher) or rattus ingens (huge rat) 5:38am.